Saturday, 4 June 2011

Dog Friendly Workplaces Make Employees Happy and Healthy

Dogs friendly workplaces have a positive impact on employees.  Studies show pet friendly workplaces make employees happy and healthier.  Pet friendly workplaces are becoming more common, especially at large, big name employers like Amazon, Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream, the House of Representatives, Senate, and even the White House.  President Obama and his family have Bo, a Portuguese Water Dog who was a gift from Senator Kennedy.  The Portuguese Water Dog is a hypoallergenic dog breed.  Hypoallergenic dog breeds are excellent choices for dog friendly workplaces, whether it is the White House or not.  Dog and pet friendly workplaces are not longer limited to Veterinarians office, pet stores, feed and grain stores, and the occasional used book store cat.  Dog friendly offices are on the rise.

Approximately one in five companies in the United States are considered pet friendly workplaces.  Web design companies, multimedia companies, warehouses, small offices, and other companies big and small seem especially welcoming to dog friendly workplaces.  Many Americans believe their dogs help increase their work output and are in favor of bringing their animals to work. Indeed, dog or pet friendly workplaces positively affect employees and customers, plus they boost workplace morale.

Pros of Dog Friendly Workplaces

Dog friendly workplaces can improve physical and mental health. The positive health effects of animal companionship is well documented.  Studies show that blood pressure lowers when people are around dogs. Work is often a stressful place. Stress causes health problems. Businesses may drastically improve employee productivity, lower stress levels, and improve employee morale by letting dogs come to work.  When people have their most loyal companion at their side they feel better, and when this occurs at work it is a win-win for everyone. 
Dog Friendly Workplaces and Exercise - Making Healthier Employees

Dogs have a profound impact on workplace health, happiness, and morale.  As Americans face a health and obesity crisis perhaps dog friendly workplaces should get a closer look for their healing and health benefits.  Too many people are  sedentary, eat fast food meals, or worse yet, work straight through lunch without eating. Employees are more inclined to exercise by taking the dog for a walk and potty break at lunch time, an excellent time to get in a small amount of exercise.  Even President Obama and Bo are getting a little run in at work.  A quick walk with the dog boosts energy leading to healthy and happy employees.  Dog friendly employers should consider pet waste stations or posting property signs like a No Dog Poop sign to remind dog owners to clean up.

Unfortunately, not every workplace is suited for animals, such as food service.  Fragrance-free workplaces may not allow dogs in the workplace.  These businesses are aware of chemical sensitivity and do not want employees wearing perfume, cologne, scented lotion, or other fragrances and scented products. Dog and pet allergies are major health issues for some people, dog lovers or not.  Companies weighing the pros and cons of dog friendly workplaces should consider whether or not dog allegies pose a problem.  Sneezing, sniffing, runny nose, and watery eyes may counter productivity, if dog allergies are an issue.  Hypoallergenic dog breeds are an option.
Dogs Supplies for Employees at Pet Friendly Workplaces

Dog supplies are always important. Make sure to bring a dog leash, pooper scooper and bags, food, water, toys, and a familiar blanket or an orthopedic dog bed.  Give your pooch a comfortable place to sleep until its closing time.  An awesome, convenient dog supply carrier is the K9 Carryall.  The K9 Carryall (pictured below) is a round container for travel pet supplies.  It comes with a bamboo dog mat, two dog bowls for food and water, plus a dog leash that is also the K9 Carryall carrying case.  The K9 Carryall is perfect for dog owners looking for a simple way to haul their dog supplies.  Pet owners can buy the K9 Carryall from Amazon or browse for other suitable dog supplies.

K9 Carry All Rolled Up - Easy to Manage Dog SuppliesDog Supplies Inside the K9 Carry All

The belief in the power of dog friendly workplaces is strong enough that many dog owners seek employment at dog friendly workplaces.  The website has information on everything dog friendly, including a dog friendly employer list for the U.S., Canada, and England, plus pet friendly lodging, and more.
Dog Friendly Workplaces
The Positive Health Benefits of Dogs and Pet Therapy

Dr. Andrew Weil encourages dog friendly workplaces where state law allows and it is appropriate. Customers, and health code inspectors wont approve of a snoozing pup in a restaurant.   Dr. Weil bases his recommendation on studies that show having dogs in the workplace improved employee compatibility.

There are many studies about the positive health benefits of pet therapy.  Dogs are routinely used as therapeutic tools in long-term care facilities for the elderly.  Interacting with the dogs made patients happy, reduced stress, lowered blood pressure, and simply made them feel better.  Dog and pet therapy is used with incarcerated youth and adults with very positive outcomes.  Youth are particularly affected because many experience unconditional love and attention for the first time.

Annual Take Your Dog to Work Day - Dogs at Work for a Good Cause

The last Friday in June is Take Your Dog to Work Day.  Pet Sitters International (PSI) started the event in 1999 to celebrate dog companionship and promote dog adoption.  June 24, 2011 is the 13th annual dog event.  Dog lovers worldwide rally for Take Your Dog to Work Day, a day that has grown into a huge event that promotes better treatment for dogs in shelters and dog adoption.

Businesses are encouraged to get involved by allowing dogs in the workplace to support TYDTWDay.  Use this as a chance to see whether the workplace changes when dogs are at work.  Employers participating in Take Your Dog to Work Day can register with PSI, something that brings the company positive recognition.  As employees whether they felt reduced stress while the dogs were at work. Employees should encourage dog friendly workplaces by getting their office involved in the annual Take Your Dog to Work Day as well as providing studies and evidence showing the benefits of dog friendly workplaces.
Dog and Pet Friendly Workplaces - Considerations for Employers

Business owners need to encourage a healthy and happy workplace because happy employees live longer, work harder, and have infectious attitudes that encourage others.  Workplaces with struggling morale need to start thinking outside the box.  Pet friendly workplaces successfully improve employee productivity, health, compatibility, and morale, something employers want.  Dogs are also great ice breakers when it is time to meet a client or new customer.

Do not dismiss the positive health effects dogs have on people.  Dogs decrease stress. Dog friendly workplaces can make employers and employees healthy and happy. Reduced work-related stress ripples through a person's life, making them healthier friends, parents, partners, and community members.  Pass it on.

* Pet Sitters International Take Your Dog to Work Day offers advice for businesses who want to get involved.

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